Taimahi’s Micro-Businesses

Our entrepreneurial approach provides life opportunities for people with disabilities, doing mahi to bring great products, fresh delicious food, and awesome service.

Whether you live locally (Whangarei), or nationally, purchasing from any of our micro businesses enables, empowers, and enhances the well-being of our team.

Earth & Honey

An online store where you can find eco-friendly beeswax food wraps, sustainable, and organic products that help you keep Aotearoa green.

At Earth & Honey, we believe every small change can make a difference and from small beginnings big things can grow. Our eco-friendly products can help you reduce plastic waste and throw away items. The wax wraps are made by our own team and other products support local New Zealand businesses.

Whangarei Businesses

Coffee Cart

From a long black to a flat white to a mochaccino, our boutique mobile coffee cart offers it all. Parked at Taimahi on Bank Street you’re in very good hands with our capable baristas.

Hangi on Fridays

Experience the spirit of Manaakitanga at Taimahi’s hāngī, every Friday night right in the centre of Whangārei. The menu is posted weekly and can be found on Taimahi facebook page.

Taimahi Fresh + Store

FoodTogether Whangārei is part of a produce collective that aims to provide the best quality fresh fruit and vegetables as well as eggs, dairy and dried foods at affordable prices. We believe in making healthy food available to everyone while meeting the needs of the local community.

Responsibly sourced or locally made Taimahi’s retail store sells beeswax food wraps, handmade soaps, reusable water bottles and more.

We encourage you to come in, say hi to the team, and support their developing retail knowledge and skills. Produce specials are posted on Taimahi’s Fresh + Facebook page.

If you enjoy your experience, we rely on you sharing this kaupapa. Taimahi Power is our team, our customers and when you’ve tried it, we hope it includes you too!